What is the variable for "Application Description" ?

When looking at applications in Scriptcase, there are several fields:
Application (Name)
Friendly URL

I’d like to know what the variable names are for these fields; particularly the “Description” field. Thinking I’d like to have the menu label match that value. Would also be handy to see the “Description” in the list apps application.

These are the ones I know:

Can do this is: onApplicationInit

[my_project_name] = $this->Ini->nm_grupo;
[my_project_version] = $this->Ini->nm_app_version;
[my_app_name] = $this->Ini->nm_nome_apl; 

Thank you! That’s what I’m looking for :wink:

On further analysis … probably not what I am looking for. Can’t use events in the standard menu system (maybe I need to consider using menu macros and build my own). Also can’t get a ‘list of applications’ like I see in scriptcase; I can almost get there with ‘sync apps’ - but not quite; the ini file used by sync apps (which creates the application list application) does not include description. What I’ve done is create a user-selectable homescreen; the user chooses from the application list. I’d like to have something more friendly than the app_name or friendly url - the description field that I see in the Scriptcase application list is what I want (I think). Hoping to do this without a lot of extensive coding.


Not what I was originally looking for - but very valuable after all! I also found this (which gives me the name of my application)

{my_code_name] = $this->Ini->nm_cod_apl;

sync apps (which creates the list application) does not include description.
A question about that, How can i get the the description for my apps, If i have the app names?
Name Description
form1 Form number one
Form2 Form number two.

I need to know how can i get the description If i Have only the names (Form1, Form2)?