Whats the heck is with the menu editor?


changing the menu themes has no effect at runtime …


Another issue on the same matter: if you have menu theme with small arrows showing that there are subs below or next are not displayed in v8.

What Reinhard means is the button is totally diferent in config, and runtime.

hi guys, i’ve spend days in this particular matter

  • in sc7 works 95 % good
  • in sc8 is grrrrr

simply you have the css themes > menu, play there, see the padding the spacing, if you are using tree menu, also double check, here is controlling around 50% of appearance and functionality
then go to css menu and create your own template from one of the available stuff and adjust as required, i see best works with MAC and scriptscase groups
finally, control the rest from the menu application settings itselt
an icon 16x16 using MAC template from css menu on sc7.1 works good with nice alignment and reasonable layout
in sc8 no matter what you change, doesn’t affect
no need to mention the chache, here plays important rule when changing and testing, Control+ F5 works for me on chrome


Have you tried clearing your browser’s cache?

Bernhard Bernsmann