Which one should I buy from the Windows version and a Linux version?

Hello, everyone.

I have saw twice that ScriptCase Home / Learn menu / video Menu / First Steps VIDEO.

The presenter operates the ScriptCase through Web Browser on the local host.

I could not figure out whether The Scriptcase are Windows version or Linux version.

I will also operate a local host using Xampp on a Windows PC.

I will deploy all my application on a Linux server.

I want to develop and play and modify on my PC.

Which one should I buy from the Windows version and a Linux version?

Please tell me.

Thank you.

You can choose for a windows or a linux or an OSX version. It is up to you. It is the easiest to use a windows version, installing on windows is just click installer and wait.
On OSX you would need to allow your apache to work by fiddling around with gatekeeper. Since scriptcase isnt signed you have no other choice. On other OSX versions you need to do something else (google for: OSX install non signed application).
On linux it is easier but some linux versions require a little handywork (setting some paths here and there in a file after installation). Various people already resolved it so there is onfo on this on the forum. The windows version just basically runs out of the box. If your pc runs windows then I would choose for the windows version.
Deploying on linux is no problem, in fact it is quite easy. You create a deployment of your project, you (if needed) set up some extra paths via advanced deployment (mostly it isnt even needed) and you upload the files from the generated zip file.
On your linux server you should take care of the proper rights and a proper working apache and php. It may be that on your deployment machine you need to load some php modules but that is quite easily handled. With mysql for example you dont even need that.

Yes, I would like to thank your details.
I decided to select a version of Windows.
Thank you.

As addition to rr comment. No exists a Windows or Linux version of SC. You buy an SC license, and you install where you can/want. As rr explain, what you use is based on your needs.
You can download SC in 2 different ways. Automatic or Manual installation. Automatic, for Linux and Windows, is an installer, creates an enviroment for SC (apache, with SC inside configured and so on). Manual installation is what you need if you want to install “manual” on your XAMPP, if you don’t want SC to create it’s own apache instance.

All of this, is independent of your liicense. I mean, your license is an SC license, don’t matter OS or if you install manual or automatic.

I hope it’s clear.

I see.
I seem to be a lot of questions in the future.
I will ask a lot of help.
Thank you.

No problem, we all will be glad to help you.