Why is there no data when creating a form in an iframe in blank?

The form is created correctly. No error occurs.


you put that ID in the where clause of SQL settings?

Hi, if I do this like this, form is empty an no error occurs. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

for that form application, pro_teilprojekt_frm, what do you have for “where clause”?

is it something like:

Yes. Have a look at above.

that’s not what I’m referring to, I’m saying the form application SQL settings

There’s a misunderstanding. I’m talking about blank app.

I don’t think the issue is with a blank application.

Hi, if I do this like this, form is empty an no error occurs

you said form is empty, and pretty sure you’re referring to “pro_teilprojekt_frm”. Is that not a form application?

I’m basically suggesting that you’re passing the id to this form application but the form application isn’t set up to do anything with that id, I speculate that’s the reason why it’s empty.

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