Hello happy scriptcas’ers
I may be wrong but I can’t make pdf export morking in production when hosted by a provider :
- It works perfectly on my PC ( in prod environment) linux 86 based
- but when hosted in a provider, The HTML files is created fine, then wkhtmltopdf is invoked and I get a 500 errore telling that “Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects …”
Looking at the log, I can see that :
-in prod environment locally , wkhtmltopdf is invoked with an 86 processor argument so it works but
-in prod environment hosted in my provider , wkhtmltopdf is invoked with an amd 64 (wkhtmltopdf-amd64) while the server I am hosted in is an x86_64 processor
So it can’t work! and there may be a bug somewhere
Now my question to get a workaround waiting for a correction :"is the invoked wkhtmltopdf the right one and Is there a way in scriptcase to force the processor type when invoking wkhtmltopdf ? "
Thanks for your reading