Working with ScriptCase Forms

Hi all

My case is , when I imported data in Arabic characters from txt or Access database into to MySQL database, the arabic char are not displayed properly , something like ???.
But in English the data are displayed OK.
On the other hand , when I entered data from ScriptCase form in Arabic and press Save, data are displayed properly in MySQL db, but when I entere data in Arabic in MySQL db , scriptcase form failed to display the data and I get only ??? !!!.

Any help is appreciated
Thanking you

Re: Working with ScriptCase Forms


Sir In this version we are facing some problems with Arabic chars. I suggest you to check the charset in your database, see if fits in the charset used in SC, in Tools>Locales>Languages, Arabic>Edit.

In the next version of SC, in 5.2 version, we solved a lot of problems with Arabic font.
