Works in development not in production / Ungültige Daten

I call from an new made grid some new made forms and get the Error “Ungültige Daten”.
This problem I have on calls by fields and by buttons.
To call old forms then all works fine in production.

On development all calls are working fine.

Are you using a security model? Then you have to set the rights correctly. In your dev env. you can override automatically, so it looks that all modules are accessible. In production that is different.

I’m still using the old security module because I was afraid
Scriptcase 9.10 – New security module to use.
For testing in development, I consequently use a different browser (SC development Firefox, for test Chrome) so as not to get a security mix at the development environment.
And I always use security for groups and 99% of applications have security and users have only access with login.
I will now learn how to switch to the Scriptcase 9.10 – New Security Module on a running application system. I now saw that Jamie made a video about it.
My current sec. db and the button in the grid belongs to “anlegen”:

Group 1 ist this:

[SOLVED] The applications for calling from the grid were not in _lib/_app_data/
Once I uploaded the missing INI-files into production, it worked immediately!

🚀 Scriptcase 9.12 is now available! Check out the new features here 👉🚀 Next Monday (02/24), Scriptcase 9.12 will be released! Check out the new features before anyone else 👉