Is it safe for me to use the LAST_INSERT_ID() function of mysql when writing to a 2nd table?
Or do I need to use a transaction or read that into my own variable that I use ?
I am just wondering if LAST_INSER_ID() could possibly pick up a value from another user if running the same application at the same time?
Thanks for any input!
// Pick Master
$insert_table = 'PickHeader';
$insert_fields = array(
'SONum' => $rs[$x][0],
'PickBatchID' => "'1'",
// Insert record
$insert_sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $insert_table
. ' (' . implode(', ', array_keys($insert_fields)) . ')'
. ' VALUES (' . implode(', ', array_values($insert_fields)) . ')';
// Pick Details
$insert_table = 'PickDetail';
$insert_fields = array(
'PickID' => "LAST_INSERT_ID()", // <-- IS THIS OK?
'ItemCode' => "'".{ItemCode}."'",
'Qty' => $rs[$x][2],
'BinLocation' => "'".{BinLocation}."'",
'User' => "'USR'",
'Warehouse' => "'000'",
// Insert record
$insert_sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $insert_table
. ' (' . implode(', ', array_keys($insert_fields)) . ')'
. ' VALUES (' . implode(', ', array_values($insert_fields)) . ')';