WTF is Inclusion

I have been working with and programming database management systems for over thirty years.

I had never heard the term inclusion until I came across SC. I eventually worked out that it must mean “appending” or “inserting” a new record/. "Appending and inserting are, of course, the most common terms used when talking about adding new records to a dataset.

I see that in SC6 the term “inclusion” persists.

Might I respectfully suggest, again, that the SC team use common language terms in its product description rather than try and introduce obscure new terms that have no relevance to the purpose of what is being described?

Re: WTF is Inclusion


Could you tell me where did you find inclusion, so we can change it?

Bernhard Bernsmann

Re: WTF is Inclusion

Hi Bernhard,

It is throughout the documentation whenever mention is made of adding new records., unless it has been been fixed in last couple of months.

It appeared in the today’s email about SC6

Option to determine the fields that will be displayed in inclusion and / or update mode.

I had mentioned this before several times, once in a ticket I raised some time ago.

Re: WTF is Inclusion

You mean the expression “inclusion” should be chaged to “addition”, is that what you mean?

Re: WTF is Inclusion

Or may be inserting, which would be near the SQL expression to explained.

Re: WTF is Inclusion

“that will be displayed in inclusion and / or update mode”. Inclusion is just not the right word in English.

The act of inserting a new row (or record) into the DB with a form is usually called insert mode. So I say, “that will be displayed in insert and / or update mode”.

Update mode is fine.

Re: WTF is Inclusion

Do you guys see this type of error on de v6?