WTF - Open Serial is Invalid!!??

My patience with SC is wearing thin.
Confronted with major headaches on the deployment of a project, I decide to do a clean install of SC8.
I go to my profile and request a new serial
I have the serial
My profile > Serials says “Open”
I copy and paste the serial to the new install (new ASUS notebook), and wham! “Invalid Serial”

Given that I refuse to pay SC for the support there seems no urgent way to contact them to seek remedy?

What do I do? Ditch SC?

Thanks, yours in utter frustration.

Not sure what went wrong as I have followed this procedure a few times w.o. problems. But I suggest you send a mail to sales at. I think that Marcia is more than willing to help you out.

Thanks for the feedback. I literally spent hours banging my head against the wall. Then, around 4:00pm hour time I had a couple of beers. I tried again. Guess what? This time it succeeded
I earned my first stripes with computers in 1978. Maybe this thing is telling me it’s time to give up and get a life.