Would Scriptcase run in XAMP ?
are there any extra setting after installing XAMPP or SC ?



Hello Arthur,

We do not recommend you to install SC in XAMPP. You could run on Zend Server CE, and make sure that the PHP version is 5.2.

Bernhard Bernsmann


i have try sc on xampp its work, this trik for running on xampp 1.70 :

  1. install normaly file setup scriptcase (exe for windows or sh for linux)
  2. php.ini on xampp should be replace with php.ini on sc where you install ( C:\Program Files\NetMake\v5\php\php.ini)
  3. copy zip file from scriptcase and extract it to folder htdoc (on linux you should give right with chmod -R 777 scriptcase)
    4.Running xampp and open scriptcase…follow intruction


Thanks for your time. Since I already run / use XAMPP for other purposes I would prefer to use it as I already know it works very well and it seems to be very flexible in setup. Never used ZEND server before,…


I just looked up SC folders and surprisingly discovered insane tendency of using Portugese.
I really wish the NetMake will change their philosophy to make an English as primary language for EVERYTHING, then eventually do necessary localizations for other languages. I understand some developers in NetMake prefere their own language, but this doesn’r really work towards expanding the product and the whole business internationally.

just as an example - WHY DO I NEED TO USE A TRANSLATOR TO FIGURE OUY WHAT IS IN THIS FDOLDER: 50-Ferramentas <–this isnt’ English, and I thought I bought a program in English.

I have 3 other products (software). Each of them was feveloped in the country where English is not their native language, but the guys are smart enough to make English a priority, then everything else is translated. They are very succesful and they make one of the best software products in their category.
There are no spelling or styling errors on their website and I do not have to think twice when they answer my tickets, to figure out what they saying, because THEY ALL KNOW ENGLISH.


Arthur, I have to ask… because it seems like all you have done on here is complain… Why did you purchase SC? Did you NOT do proper research into the product? There is a decent trial period, and could have been extended probably if necessary. All you have done is knock a product that is really good at what it does.

Instead of complain at every turn because YOU are not taking the time to learn a proper operating environment, looking at things under the hood, and asking questions BEFORE you buy, you shouldn’t be complaining about your mistakes.

I have posted a lot of questions about HOW TO and voiced concerns, and I haven’t purchased yet. I’ve been spending a great deal of time testing SC before I purchase (which will likely be tomorrow, depending on an answer from development).

Their support has been VERY responsive and have to say I’m very happy I found Scriptcase!


Yes I haven’t done very much testing of the DEMO simply because I don’t want to spend time playing with useless stuff but rather (while learning) working on a useful project. I have bought SC license and most of my complains are not about the product but either documentation or support.
Even simple thing like SC configuration could be documented much better. Out of 5 support tickets 2 were helpful and 3 were useless. Forum is helpful only up to some point, because some of my messages wait for the answer 3-5 days, and so far no help. The bottom line is: I really like the software, but I’m somewhat disappointed with the documentation (especially parts where I have to read the same line few times (simply because of poor English) to understand what is says.



I have found this list on WIKI http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_WAMPs
and I wonder which of those would be the most reccomended for SC, or if anybody has succesfully installed and run SC on any of those servers ?



did you have any issues ?
Are you saying you use XAMPP v1.7 (have you tested with 1.7.2 or higher ) ?



on xampp 1.70 its work because running on apache 5.2, and no issue (working well), but xampp 1.71 above its many bug :(, till now my sc running on xampp 1.70.


I see they only have XAMPP v1.7.7
would you be able to tell me where can I find 1.7.0 ?
or perhaps email it to me ?


damn, I wish this forum will finally allow attachments



in my experience, sc can run on any webserver, the important thing is to use aapache 5.2, the point is to change php.ini with php.ini from the installation sc (to use zend server).


I see, now how would this all apply to the live server ? I use hosting services on HostGator.com
How would I setup ZendServer on my public site. I do not see really anything about that in the manual. The deployment part in the DOCs is somewhat unclear to me.



i don’t know about hostgator, but if you want to running sc or any RAD app on cloud,as i know you should use VPS (virtual private server).
the better way you should try first on pc


I don’t think this is fully true statement. I was using CodeChargeStudio in the past and was able to run any PHP app on the HostGator sever without any addons or modifications. The same was true for running other CCS Apps (for example ASP on GoDaddy servers).

As far as XAMPP, I will give a try and will post here…

Thanks - Arthur