YouTube/Pikasa linked application - Webservice or SC normal application

Dear all,

I’m going to develop a smartphone app (Android and IOS) . The mobile app can record videos or pictures.
Once recorded it/them there will be the possibility to send them to a streaming provider like YouTube o Pikasa.
At this point YouTube/Pikasa will assign an url ID to your video/picture.
At that time it will be possible to intercept the ID url (within the mobile app) and will send it to a Scriptcase application on a remote server.
The application on the server must be able to show later the videos or pictures using the previously recorded url ID .
Manually it could quite feasable. Do it automatically probably it’s a little bit more complicated.
To develop such kind of application in Scriptcase what I have to do.
Is there any experience in something like or close to these kind of topics ?
Any suggestion will be very appreciated


Well that will depend on how easily you will be able to retreive an URL from Youtube or Pikasa.

But once you have that URL, you could create a blank application on SC to receive an URL on its url.


After that, the problem would be to link this video, with a record on SC. Let’s say that the video you just recorded, should be stored on your PRODUCTS table, on ID 7.


ID - Product - Video
7 - Laptop -

I hope you have understood. Please let me know if any part wasn’t clear enough.

Bernhard Bernsmann

Hi Bartho,

thanks for hints. I have to read them carefully but the link do not work.
Could you please check them ?

Hello Mr. Giovannino,

Those were just random links I used to explain the solution I thought.

Let me explain a little bit more detailed:

You can create a Blank application: blankYoutubeApp

The link to that application on your server will be:

On this application, you will receive two parameters. (Here are two cool tutorials. 1 2)

The first will be a link to the video. Let’s call it video.

The second is the ID of the record that will show this video. Let’s call it ID

So we will pass those two parameters to the application. Here is how:

Now on your SC blank application, you will have those two variables set. The link to the video and the product ID.

Now all you have to do, is store this data on a table using sc_exec_sql.

Bernhard Bernsmann

Hi Bartho,
first of all thanks for your reply.
I wont to study it but I need some time becouse I’m not a programmer.
The links you posted give me error . Could you please check them ?
Many thanks

Hello Giovannino,

Those links do not exist. I only posted them as a mere example. I was sort of simulating the links you would pass to your application.

Bernhard Bernsmann