I thought that the zend software packages were only required on the development system that was running the SC interface and not in the production environment that created projects are installed on. However I am able to log into the _lib/ interface to setup the production environment, however after setting up the connections I am still not able to view my applications. I checked _lib/diagnosis.php and found this ->
Zend Guard Run-time support missing!
This is followed by installation direction. However I have some customers that might not have Zend installed on their host provider setup. I am trying to determine what the minimal installation needs are for a generated application to function. I setup an ubuntu apache server, added database clients, configured it all and rolled out an application to it. I tried installing the ZendGuardLoader.so as well as the zend framework and libraries but am still getting the an error on the diagnosis.php page.
Any Ideas?
Thanks SC6 new user here