Zendid problem


Some friends have the problem Zendid Execute Permission with Linux. Please look the following result running diagnosis test:

OK php.ini PATH: /usr/local/Zend/Core/etc/php.ini
OK zend_optimizer.license_path: SEM ARQUIVO
OK ScriptCase write permission
OK Session write permission
OK Internet Access - Socks
Problem ZendId execute Permission
OK ZendId MD5:
Problem ID:
OK Popup: OK
OK GD - 2.0

After many tests, I found the bug. In the file diagnosis.php we have this code:

function SetZendIdPermission()
    $bol_zendid_permission = 'off';
    $bol_zendid_md5    = '';

    $zend_dir = "prod/third/zend";
      $zend_dir = "devel/lib/third/zend";
    $old_dir = getcwd();

    if(substr($this->GetSo(), 0, 3) === 'WIN')
	       @exec("zendid.exe", $arr_exec);
	       $bol_zendid_md5 = md5_file("zendid.exe");
         @exec("./zendid", $arr_exec);
         $bol_zendid_md5 = md5_file("./zendid");

[glow=yellow,2,300]1) The path prod/third/zend not exist in the Scriptcase Linux distro
2) The path devel/lib/third/zend exist, but not exist the executable script zendid. Exist only a script named zendid.linux.[/glow]

You can resolve the problem downloading Zendid at URL http://downloads.zend.com/zendid/zendid-linux-i386.tar.gz for 32 bit and http://downloads.zend.com/zendid/zendid-linux-x86_64.tar.gz foe x86_64 bit. Next unpack the compressed file.

Now You have two way:

[glow=yellow,2,300]a) Creating the path prod/third/zend and copying in the unpacked and appropriate script zendid. After execute chmod 777 -R prod/third/zend.
b) Copying the unpacked appropriate script zendid in devel/lib/third/zend and running chmod 777 devel/lib/third/zend[/glow]

Of course I suggest to Scriptcase to correct the problem direcltly in the Linux distro.

No Others libraries occurs!

I hope that this help You.

Best Regards

Re: Zendid problem

ScriptCase trys to identify your SO type and rename automatically the zendid correspondent. But something problably have failed on your server.

Just rename zendid.linux to zendid.

And the diagnosis check on the bloth place(some versions ago, zendid was in prod):

$zend_dir = “prod/third/zend”;
$zend_dir = “devel/lib/third/zend”;

so … there is no problem with diagnosis

Re: Zendid problem

Hi Diogo,

But something problably have failed on your server.

No, the problem is persistent on more that one installation and is independent from Linux distribution; in fact, I have tried RHEL5, Ubuntu, Suse and others always with same result.

Just rename zendid.linux to zendid.

Zendid (look my previous thread) exist for 32 and 64 bit; therefore we need to choose the correct version, according the OS and the ZendCore or ZendServer CE release.

… And all work fine.

Best Regards

Re: Zendid problem

I also have this problem, since I updated from 6.00.0004 to 6.00.0020 on MAC OS X 10.7.4, Zend Server CE 5.6.0.

OK ScriptCase write permission
Problem Session write permission
OK Internet Access - Socks
Problem ZendId execute Permission
OK ZendId MD5: a36ec418098eca2e32065c31fd137484
Problem ID:
OK Popup: OK
OK GD - 2.0
OK /usr/local/zend/apache2/htdocs/sc6

/usr/local/zend has 777 permissions (-R)

when I try to execute zendid in the shell:
“can’t execute binary file”

also tried to rename zendid.linux64 to zendid
or zendid.linux to zendid
-> no effect

Any ideas after hours of try-and-error?

Re: Zendid problem

Okay, solved the problem on my own, according to my Mac-system.
I think this has to be done every time after a manual backup.

    [li]changed filenames via shell: cd /usr/local/zend/apache2/htdocs/NAME_OF_SCRIPTCASE_FOLDER/devel/lib/third/zend sudo mv zendid zendid.bkp sudo mv zendid.mac zendid[/li] [li]restarted Zend Server CE: sudo /usr/local/zend/bin/apachectl restart[/li]

After that everything worked fine.
But: some time before I had to change the zendctl-file, because mysql will not be restarted with the server by default.
Good Howto:

V8 as well

The problem is there on V8 as well.

The solution I used was:

  1. cd /opt/NetMake/v8/wwwroot/scriptcase/devel/lib/third/zend
  2. mv zendid zendid.original
  3. cp zendid.linux64 zendid
  4. chmod 750 zendid
  5. chown daemon:daemon zendid
  6. Re-run Diagnosis and verify that the problem is resolved.

Steps 3 and 5 above will vary depending on your operating system.

To find the correct user:group for the chown command, run “ps -ef | grep NetMake” and see who owns the ScriptCase server process. That’s who must own the files.

Thanks for posting your howto! It helped years later!

Hi Giblet535!!!
I owe you a Starbucks coffee or something :slight_smile: You know, I looked back in my notes and had issues with the same install even back on SC6, but I had a different fix at the time. It had to do with the 32 verses 64 bit Zend Guard Loader. However, I never had this issue in this thread until now. I was going crazy trying stuff to fix it when I did a search here and found this. I saw how old the original thread was, but when I saw your new post for SC v8 I was happy!!!

I had to just do the cp zendid.linux64 zendid

I wonder why they do not include this info in the install docs that come with each version???

Oh well, at least I have my green check on the diagnosis.php :slight_smile:

Just to clarify another zend related problem and solution

Of course, after posting my previous post (when all the diagnosis.php were are green), I tried the installer steps and got the same problem. I was getting what looked like the installer with no skin or theme to it. Like the CSS was not in correct path. The next button also dumped out in a bad page. So again I looked at everything and could see no problems.

Then I remembered that I also had to do another step to get SC7 running correctly way back when. In my SC8 install I had put the cgi-bin folder in the same root folder as the php.ini and the SC8 install files/folders. It all appears to work that way, but whjat I did to solve my problems was to create a slightly different structure:

root folder / cgi-bin = the folder with the Zend Loaderfile ZendGuardLoader.so
root folder / php.ini = with the 2 directives required
root folder / sc8 = the folder with the SC install

Now when I browse to my dev.blahblah.com/sc8 , I see the correct SC installer page with a CSS skin :slight_smile:

All seemed to go well on installation. Got in and changed password. I am able to run one of the sample mobile forms OK.

[QUOTE=onmountain;26937]Hi Giblet535!!!
I owe you a Starbucks coffee or something :slight_smile: You know, I looked back in my notes and had issues with the same install even back on SC6, but I had a different fix at the time. It had to do with the 32 verses 64 bit Zend Guard Loader. However, I never had this issue in this thread until now. I was going crazy trying stuff to fix it when I did a search here and found this. I saw how old the original thread was, but when I saw your new post for SC v8 I was happy!!!

I had to just do the cp zendid.linux64 zendid

I wonder why they do not include this info in the install docs that come with each version???

Oh well, at least I have my green check on the diagnosis.php :slight_smile:

I know this is an old old thread, but I was installing 9.1.003 and got hung up on the zendid execute permission – that check was not green it was the dreaded red x. I changed all permissions 777, tested that I could execute the command from the …/third/zend folder with shell command ./zendid allid which worked.

I finally realized that I had a php.ini directive at a higher level in my system, and the disable_functions = had exec in it!!! I changed that line to read:
disable_functions =
And that worked :slight_smile:

Pretty intuitively obvious, BUT for it hung me up like for hours LOL. This is a not for someone in the future googling and finding this old post. Hey, I know I must be getting old when I find my own forum posts helpful right ? LOL

Peace my friends,