2 Bugs in multi loads files in SC 7.01.0016


I just found 2 errors with multiple file upload functionality in SC. The first is that SC save the file in the database, if you define only the name is saved to the database and the file to a folder you do not, because you should always set a upload field and this is what forcing save the file in the database.

The second error is found by defining a grid in which I wanted to use the uploaded files, the first thing I did was to define a document field in the table, the form asks for my table field that contains the file, and once you put it in and save the name of the field disappears. When trying to build the program, it gives you the error stating that the field is empty.

However I managed to build the program, but to run and try to download the files, you can not open it because it is corrupt down.

2 errors are to be solved soon.


Issue reported to our bugs team.


After seeing the video posted today on multiple file upload, resume the application which had problems and I did a post about it. After several tests, I found that if I actually SC saves files in folders and even works in very good shape management variables in folder names.

There is an issue that confused me is that apparently SC saves both the image file as the name in the field of blod database, I think that if you set both image and save document file should only be in the database file name and a text field that would be enough, I do not see the need to use an upload field, not if I’m wrong or there is a technical impediment that forces the use of the upload field in SC.

Another thing to improve is that developers can show the destination folder using a variable.
