Another ridiculous bug for the non-existent bug-fix list

working on a simple grid/list application…
attempting to set-up the “group-by” fields.
The “grid” section is collapsed.
While in the ‘Dynamic Group By’ -> select fields… when the SAVE button is clicked…

The collapsed grid opens and sets the option to Grid Modules… LOL I did not realize NM “assumes” I am finished setting my Group By options.

In SC v8 I have noticed this happens too much… I have NOT made a note of each time SC takes me out of something… but now it’s just irritating!

Bartho, Carlos and Marcia Please bring to the attention of NM management the basic operational bugs in SC is getting ridiculous (just read the many posts who have offered information, suggestions, requests and pleading for relief).
Many of your end users are attempting to make a living using your product. However, for the most part, our product can only be as good as the “tools” (SC v6, v7, v8) we are using.

Agree. The bug list/fix is a MUST !

Agreed. We need to see the bug list and fix date.

Telling us to look at the Change Log is an insult: that isn’t a change log. It’s notes. I’ve seen better grocery shopping lists.

It’s not just NetMake’s business that is impacted by a bug, it is our business as well.

The only reason I’m not converting everything over to PHPMaker is that I believe NetMake has more potential. Things like clear and open COMMUNICATION encourage us to see past the thousands and thousands of glaringly obvious bugs and hope for a brighter tomorrow.

If I was working on a critical project instead of an experimental project, I would not choose ScriptCase. It has too many bugs, and NetMake seems unresponsive to requests for fixes.

That may not be the case, but that is how it appears to me.

I do not like to complain without offering at least ONE alternative:

Have your development team take a look at MantisBT, a free bug tracking system based on PHP and MySQL, MSQL, or PostgreSQL.

This would allow us to submit bug reports and pull up the status of those bugs at any time. Then, when OUR management is breathing down our necks, and asking us why “X” is still broken, we can say “These guys are working on it.” and that sounds better than “I don’t know.”

They have and use Mantis, just don’t want to make it public

Yes, but who of us speak/read/write Portuguese? To inform the user base that a bug is acknowledged and / or worked on would be sufficient. That could be done in a public bugtracker. It would mean that Bartho can skip his ‘send to bugsteam’ standard message and it would prevent double posts of problems/errors. Unfortunately SC sees this differently.

Oh I see old subjects with new guys, that is good quality pathway SC guys, bravo
Giblet535, Arthur and stubuck, believe it or search my old posts, you will see that all this subjects and issue are there since ages
Simply, nobody cares, they look to make new features to record a video and market their product, what happens next, is not their concern
I wish I can meet the CEO of this company one day, to explain the power he/she has in hand, from our point of view, and where can reach if used correct, but first lets hope he/she speaks English (loool)

The Microsoft business model: ship it, shout marketing hype to drown out the complaints, maybe fix it, probably not, eat lunch.

It’s only ever worked that one time (Gate’s luck, lack of ethics, and some “Used Cars!” style of cunning), but P. T. Barnum would still chuckle.

I’m not heavily invested in ScriptCase, fortunately, and I’m already re-writing my project plan to cover the imminent re-write that will wipe out my team’s profits, and then some. Ya have to cut your losses at some point though.


Issue reported to our bugs team.

Bernhard Bernsmann


Issue reported to our bugs team.

Bernhard Bernsmann[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=stubuck;28337]working on a simple grid/list application…
attempting to set-up the “group-by” fields.
The “grid” section is collapsed.
While in the ‘Dynamic Group By’ -> select fields… when the SAVE button is clicked…

The collapsed grid opens and sets the option to Grid Modules… LOL I did not realize NM “assumes” I am finished setting my Group By options.

In SC v8 I have noticed this happens too much… I have NOT made a note of each time SC takes me out of something… but now it’s just irritating!

Bartho, Carlos and Marcia Please bring to the attention of NM management the basic operational bugs in SC is getting ridiculous (just read the many posts who have offered information, suggestions, requests and pleading for relief).
Many of your end users are attempting to make a living using your product. However, for the most part, our product can only be as good as the “tools” (SC v6, v7, v8) we are using.[/QUOTE]

Could you send me pictures so I can understand better your problem?

Thank you!