BEWARE the upgrade to latest version 9.10.023 (13)

As some of you may have seen, I have been wrestling with upgrading an existing 256 app system from an earlier version to the latest. This post is a warning for those of you considering the same.

The 256 applications work perfectly (for some time) on the older version and I have zero problems with them. To use the new version, you have to export them and reimport into the new version. having done that, and recompiled everything… the fun starts.

This is my list in no particular order of the problems that arise:

  • Some grids get their groupby changed from Static to dynamic, which completely screws the logic and shape of each grid. REQUIRES MANUAL FIX by going into each impacted grid and setting it back to static.
  • Links between applications get corrupted. I never got to the bottom of why these links got changed, but I can tell you that the global variables passed by the link got changed in the transition. Items which should have remained as ‘No value’ got changed to the first field on the linking record, which had the effect of CHANGING A GLOBAL VARIABLE, which as you can imagine gave very unpredictable results and took me ages to track down. This requires a MANUAL FIX. Go into EVERY grid with a link and check that the variables passed have not been changed to the first field.
  • Save grid stops working and starts to give errors. The only fix I’ve found so far is to REMOVE THE FEATURE from all grids. More details are here: Save Grid not working (Giving a modal error on 'apply') - #8 by ibatey
  • Export to PDF stops working. (Centos 7 server) The only fix I’ve found so far is to REMOVE THE FEATURE from all grids. Despite the title, it is NOT SOLVED. More details are here: [SOLVED] WKHTMLTOPDF - still not updated! - #9 by Paul_Van_Geel
    and here: New PDF exports not working
  • Intermittent AJAX error where a method is not called. No fix or reply from NM. More details here: Problem with AJAX not calling Javascript Methods

The net result is that you need to be VERY sure you want to upgrade and watch out for these problems. The testing load because of these problems is substantial and I’ve currently stopped ANY work with Scriptcase until I see some movement from NM or answers in this forum.

I’ve been a Scriptcase user since v7 and this is the worst set of problems and functional regression I’ve ever seen during an upgrade. (and thats saying something!)


Dear @ibatey,

Could you please confirm that all these possible problems you are experiencing are all coming from version 9.10.023? Or has it already occurred since previous versions?

Best regards!

Just the latest upgrades. (Since the one where you needed to export and reimport… 9.10.17 I think)

@Danilo_Lima Hi… sorry, forgot to tag you in the above reply.

The MAJOR issues are the pdf generation (Which has been an ongoing irritation for years if you look at the forum) and the Save Grid. Both of which are halting use of Scriptcase.

I’ve found workarounds for the rest.


You never said what version you are coming from. If it’s a major version upgrade then there is usually a conversion option in the menu to complete this step.

@pkrawetzky I’ve done all of the conversion steps… if you want to look at the context then check here:

Basically, on Centos7 Hosted solution, moving from the previous minor release (system was up to date) I arrived at the above warning and problems.