BLOB/TEXT column issue when create a view in mysql

I’ve a view in mysql with some columns, one is define like this
CONVERT(GROUP_CONCAT(concat(field1,’-’,field2)) USING utf8) AS cis

when I use the view in a grid, this column is defined as BLOB type instead TEXT, but I don’t know why.

any suggestion?

I haven’t done it before.
But try use CAST( CONVERT(GROUP_CONCAT(concat(field1,’-’,field2)) USING utf8) AS CHAR)

Thanks Alvaro.
it doesn’t work.
The field remains as BLOB not TEXT when it is included in a grid application.

But in mysql is define ok as mediumtext


Did try create a new grid?

Yes, strange.
In a grid only with the view the column/field is text

In a grid with other table and a join to the view, the same field is blob…

SC any reason?

Please let me know if you find the answer. I have the same problem. Also my multiline text field is not printed properly,print only in 1 line even using “width” option