BUG with the macro sc_btn_display() (Very OLD bug)

create menu… menu contains two options 1- Add (form_enter_client) 2 - List (grid_list_client)

inside of grid_list_client -> link to form_enter_client -> edit client details AND show button to add new clients

inside of menu onExecute if(sc_menu_item) == “item_1”{sc_apl_conf(“form_enter_client”,“start”,“new”); [v_chkBtn] = “off”};
inside of form_enter_client if([v_chkBtn] == “off”){sc_btn_display(“Cancel”, “off”);};

click menu option to 1-Add button (Cancel) is still displaying!!!

How does Scriptcase handle this issue in their example projects??? They don’t!!! The make duplicate forms — one labeled frm_add… and frm_edit…

Really?!?!?!? Scriptcase cannot even use the without creating work-arounds to demonstrate their own product!!!

THIS SUCKS!!!:mad:

Hi stubuck
Question: “Cancel” it is a button created manually? is the name or label ?
If you mean the automatic button of “ScriptCase” you should use sc_btn_display (‘back’, ‘off’);

Other option -> You could try the following manner:
In the form add this:
if( empty({field_customer_id}) ){ //{field_customer_id} should be the primary key field
sc_btn_display(“Cancel”, “off”); // for manual button
sc_btn_display (‘back’, ‘off’);// for automatic button