Capture the logged in user and date, in two fields of a Form and each time a record is added or updated

Hello people, I am new to scriptcase, I need help.
I have an arena with a single record type form, to edit and upload new records, as I have several users, I have three fields to capture the User I create, the User I update and the update date. I don’t know what to call that data. I was trying with {field_name} = [usr_login]; , [usr_login] as a value inside the field, but it didn’t work for me.
How do I take the global variable [usr_login] and pass it to the fields according to the function it wants to occupy, after inserting or after updating. Security is already activated and configured.
Please help.

Hola gente, soy nuevo en scriptcase, necesito ayuda.
Tengo una grit con un form tipo registro unico, para editar y cargar nuevos registros, como tengo varios usuarios, tengo tres campos para captar Usuario que creo , Usuario que actualizo y la fecha de actualizacion. No se como llamar esos datos. He intentado con {nombre_campo} = [usr_login]; , [usr_login] como valor dentro del campo, pero no me a funcionado.
Como tomo la variable global [usr_login] y la paso a los campos según la funcion que quiera ocupar, despues de insertar o despues de actualizar. Ya esta activado y configurado la seguridad.
Ayuda por favor.

hola ¿pudiste solucionarlo?

Would like to help, but your explanation is not all that clear.
Do you want have a log file for tracking amendments or do you want to add add the username and date to the record being saved?

Hello, thanks for answering, I still haven’t solved it, the fact is that I have a master form and a master detail, the master shows the client’s information and the master detail, the payments made by the client, how these records are accessed by three different users, I need to keep a control with three fields, which tells me which user I create, which user I update and the date of the update.
That’s the purpose.
I appreciate the help.

Why don’t you use the log module facility. Have a look

Yes, I have installed the log, but the three users who see the log should not enter the log, the users consult each other about the registered operations, that information should be visible.