Deploy an upgrade on a pre-deployed application


How I can deploy an upgrade on a pre-deployed application in the production environment?

Also if can deploy on top of production MySql DB without damaging production data? if there is a way to find out structural differences between 2 DB; if change tracks are not recorded?

Many Thanks

Within Scriptcase you can safely upload your new version of your application. The database connection will not be harmed. But if you have structural database changes then you must apply these manually. One option is to replicate your database and perform your changes, then upload a full new deployment and bind it to this new database. Test, and then rename folders so that your current userpool will start using the new application and database. Then you can delete the old env. SC does not have tooling for this.

Front end update deployment seems to be easier.
But DB upgrade is complex where continuous incremental production data.

So far I understand only way found manually documenting all changes; manually change some record (where add fields not null, or change in type, or others). + trial update deployment; once bug free > update production environment.

Any other advise?

Many thanks.

There is tooling like DBeaver that might assist you in compares between databases and generates scripts for the changes. For MySQL you have sqlyog which is very powerful and I expect that for SQLServer similar tools exists. Personally, when I have to change databases, I always start writing my conversion scripts. The method I use was described: create a parallel environement, and at moment supreme migrate and switch.

Many thanks; I will try your suggestions.