The policy of not upgrading expired subscriptions is normal, and no one has questioned that in this discussion.
New functionality/features should be paid for. Old functionality/features were already paid for. Bugs are just the features/functions that haven’t been delivered yet.
The policy of not addressing bugs in older products is not normal. It’s theft.
Microsoft, as wretched, evil, and feebtard as they are, doesn’t abandon older products as soon as a new version is released. Many of the folks here would be totally screwed if Microsoft adopted NetMake’s product support policy.
Windows, Office, SQL Server… Those all get support for a reasonable span of years. The bugs get fixed.
I sell software, produce OpenSource software, and collaborate on lots of projects. I assume I’ll be supporting anything I provide until the copyright notice is outside the statute of limitations, whether it was sold or freeware.
Many of us, with never a thought, depend on our vendors not abandoning the products we’ve purchased.
Normal, my ass.