Do I need to pay for bugs corrections ??????


My update expires tomorrow, but today it’s remains not solved bugs ???
I payed for v8 upgrade and for me it’s not normal that I will pay again for those bugs ??

I hope sc will consider this and will make a commercial action for existing users !!!


Do you believe in santa claus? :cool:

Me not !!!

but sc need to believe that with those severals bugs if existing customers will continue or not ?


I think that there always will be bugs. Afaik bugfixes will be allowed to load even after your expiration date, but new functionality will not be available. If you are still on version 7 then I don’t think that there will be bugfixes any more. But if you are on 8 you will, at least that’s what I have understand from Sc. No guarantees btw. SC will not release a major release this year, but only new subreleases like 8.1, 8.2 etc.

Subreleases are not included out of upgrade period

That is dishonest.

Customers pay a vendor for claimed functionality. A bug is something that the vendor failed to deliver.

Edit: Perhaps a disclaimer on the purchase form, “ScriptCase is sold AS-IS”, would alert the customer to this hidden caveat emptor policy. That would be honest.

[QUOTE=Giblet535;32491]That is dishonest.

Customers pay a vendor for claimed functionality. A bug is something that the vendor failed to deliver.

Edit: Perhaps a disclaimer on the purchase form, “ScriptCase is sold AS-IS”, would alert the customer to this hidden caveat emptor policy. That would be honest.[/QUOTE]

What I said don’t means bugs could’nt be solved in previous branch

Just you can’t upgrade to 8.1 thath includes new functionality

Isn’t it an absolute shame that someone from netmake/scriptcase doesn’t respond to these posts.

ScriptCase is sold AS-IS

Isn’t (almost) all software sold with that disclaimer?
Being the “default”, I don’t expect any sw producer to state that anymore.

[QUOTE=robydago;32560]Isn’t (almost) all software sold with that disclaimer?
Being the “default”, I don’t expect any sw producer to state that anymore.[/QUOTE]

Bugfixes will be done in version 8 and will be available to anyone. Subreleases and major releases will not be availlable for expired licences. I don’t see that as dishonest, but logical. NO product will ever be bugless, so pay once, use always? No business model can work that way.

I agree.

The Price\Features ratio for Scriptcase seems good to me.
As for having to pay annually to support the product development, still ok with me (if I’m satisfied with the product).

Critical bugs are a different story.

But I’m new to Scriptcase so I’m suspending my judgement on NetMake support in terms of fixing critical bugs.

I agree.

The Price\Features ratio for Scriptcase seems good to me.
As for having to pay annually to support the product development, still ok with me (if I’m satisfied with the product).

Critical bugs are a different story.

But I’m new to Scriptcase so I’m suspending my judgement on NetMake support in terms of fixing critical bugs.[/QUOTE]

The problem is that a critical bug for one, might not be critical to another. But there will be a time that SC will move to version 9 which will mean that bugs in 8 will not be solved any more. I can see that that will not be fun if you haven’t buyed a subscription, but on the other hand, I haven’t seen other companies do better. SC is not an open source and free but a commercial product. If you buy sc you need to know that you will pay an anual fee for maintenance. As most of us do with our customers. We pay the anual fee just because we use sc in our commercial activities. If we don’t earn enough money to pay the annual fee, we have to and will quit SC. Just simple economics.

Hi guys. Many are mad for bugs. Im one of them but lets face some reality here. Albert aducom said it ryt, no sw is bugless. I had sc 7 purchased last year when was mature enough, with one year upgrade, they gave me the v8 without additioanl cost, and there was a problem in dates so upgrade expired in my version like 3 months before the actual date, Marcia confirmed it for me by email, she said ur upgrade is valid, however, even if you didnt purchase the upgrade you can still get bugfixes when updating the version manual… im updating it manual anway hehe but I chosed to purchase the upgrade also they need finance to keep developing, and as roby said it is not big deal in comparison to what it does and the time saving… remains the functionality, appears like even if you update manually, you will not get new functions that will be added in 8.1 or 8.2 etc so sc have internal distanguish the features as well, which may effect negatively on the performance? Dont know. But still a lot to improve and many bugs and enhancements to be done other than new features.

I gave my opinion on the topic before and that thread was deleted, so I will not give it again.



it’s right that we need to pay for upgrades, nobody ask for having free of charge.
Don’t forget we are also developpers and we have customers, but when you mention some bugs months ago without any reaction or correction from bugs team, I think you will not agree to pay something again. We never know if there are doing something or not !!!

We are losing time and of course money to find an alternative solution in those cases.

SC need to do much more than now for fixing bugs, that’s what I say.


[QUOTE=daveprue;32573]I gave my opinion on the topic before and that thread was deleted, so I will not give it again.


there aren’t any kind of censorship. did you know who delete it?

The policy of not upgrading expired subscriptions is normal, and no one has questioned that in this discussion.

New functionality/features should be paid for. Old functionality/features were already paid for. Bugs are just the features/functions that haven’t been delivered yet.

The policy of not addressing bugs in older products is not normal. It’s theft.

Microsoft, as wretched, evil, and feebtard as they are, doesn’t abandon older products as soon as a new version is released. Many of the folks here would be totally screwed if Microsoft adopted NetMake’s product support policy.

Windows, Office, SQL Server… Those all get support for a reasonable span of years. The bugs get fixed.

I sell software, produce OpenSource software, and collaborate on lots of projects. I assume I’ll be supporting anything I provide until the copyright notice is outside the statute of limitations, whether it was sold or freeware.

Many of us, with never a thought, depend on our vendors not abandoning the products we’ve purchased.

Normal, my ass.

The policy of not addressing bugs in older products is not normal. It’s theft.

perhaps m$ is doing that, but I have loads of products who don’t. How long do you have to support old versions?

@daveprue, I’m curious too. I’m one of the moderators and for sure didn’t remove it.

I support it until it works or no one is reporting bugs. Then I get useful enhancement feedback.

Lots of companies have learned that mediocrity isn’t a 4-letter word, and that selling buys a yacht faster than delivering. Widespread dishonesty is not de facto honesty.

All of my stuff works though. First time. Yep, my “Save All” button posts straight to the shipping department. :wink:

🚀 Scriptcase 9.12 is now available! Check out the new features here 👉🚀 Next Monday (02/24), Scriptcase 9.12 will be released! Check out the new features before anyone else 👉