Form formatting adding space after text


Very basic question but after sending hours trying to find the answer i thought i would turn to the forum. I have a very basic form which has the standard *Required Fields at the bottom of the form but the text is sat really lose to the bottom line of the form and i want to add some space between the text and the box around the form.

See attached image.

I would probably use css to style the required fields text. Use the browser inspector to see what class is assigned and then either clone the theme you are using and update the css for that class to add some padding or margins around (which would impact all forms that use it)

You can also sometimes add some code to a ScriptInit event to do some inline styling ie
I had an occasion where I was trying to hide some labels so I overrode the style in an OnRefresh event

#SC_numlabels { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); border: none; outline: 0; cursor: text;} <?php I also have done things with inserting printable page breaks into the html using an echo statement, like this: echo ".break { page-break-before: always; }";