Hide toolbar in calendar

Hi There,

Is there anyone who knows how to remove all buttons on the calendar that are above the calendar itself?

i know it is called the header but i can’t get rid of it or know where to put this code

Only utilizing blank app and create the code manually.
The code on calendar aplication is only for the form, others configs is made in ‘configuration’


There is no native option for you to do this. However, you can hide using CSS in the events.

Try this!

		div.fc-header-toolbar{display:none;} /*Hide calendar header*/
		div.fc-header-toolbar .fc-button{display:none;} /*Hide only the buttons in the calendar header*/

that works great!. Thanks

can you please take a look at this script. it sends a user directly to a given date on the calendar only it’s not working in IE

$datum= {datum_start_event};

echo ‘<script>
window.onload = () => {
setTimeout(() => {
$("#calendar").fullCalendar(“gotoDate”, "’.$datum.’");
}, 10)
