How can i compare datas with sql query?

Hi there,

I’m using the latest version of the Scriptcase. Now i’m trying to finish my project but i have a problem;

I’m using mysql on my computer. Now just think there is 2 tables;

  • periodic_maintenance
  • employer_staff

There is a form for employer_staff, so i insert 3 person to here. This table has this fields;

  • Name
  • Sirname
  • Email address

There is another form for periodic_maintenance and it has a fiedl that i can select employer_staff (i can select multi) as name and surname.

I want to send emails to selected employer_staffs. So i’m using this codes in the “onAfterInsert” side;

$sending= "";

sc_select(my_data, "select id_employer_staff, email from employer_staff where '{employer_staff}' = id_employer_staff");
if ({my_data} === false)
	echo "Access error. Message =". {my_data_erro};
} else {
	while (!{my_data}->EOF)
		$sending= $sending . {my_data}->fields[1] . ";";
$mail_smtp_server    = '';
$mail_smtp_user      = '';
$mail_smtp_pass      = 'my_gmail_password';
$mail_from           = '';
$mail_to             = '';
$mail_subject        = 'Who will get this email';
$mail_message        = 'Mail gönderilecek kişiler = ' . $sending;
$mail_format         = 'H';
$mail_copies         = '';
$mail_tp_copies      = '';
$mail_port           = '465';
$mail_tp_connection  = 'S';


It send the email but only the first employer_staff, not all selected. How can i solve this problem?

Best regards.

well i’m not sure, but have you tried to change the ; to , also the mail_to is a solid mailadres not a var

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Does the select statement return more than one record? If so the sending of emails is outside the while loop

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In the while loop you are populating the recipient list and storing it in the $sending variable.
But you then have hard coded this var
$mail_to = ‘’;
And you use it in the sc_mail_send macro

Just this correction should make your code work:


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Yes you’re right, thanks but it’s not problem for now. My problem is about the loop.

This is the problem, it’s return just one record, not anymore. Maybe my loop is not correct?

I guess you mean i have to send each e-mail as a loop. It’s a good idea but this is not the problem. In my example i’m trying get each records to my variable and then send it to email’s message. But i got the message with 1 record, not all records. So i guess my loop is not correct. Any idea?

Try this
$sending= “”;
$mail_smtp_server = ‘’;
$mail_smtp_user = ‘’;
$mail_smtp_pass = ‘my_gmail_password’;
$mail_from = ‘’;
$mail_to = ‘’;
$mail_subject = ‘Who will get this email’;
$mail_message = 'Mail gönderilecek kişiler = ’ . $sending;
$mail_format = ‘H’;
$mail_copies = ‘’;
$mail_tp_copies = ‘’;
$mail_port = ‘465’;
$mail_tp_connection = ‘S’;

sc_select(my_data, “select id_employer_staff, email from employer_staff where ‘{employer_staff}’ = id_employer_staff”);
if ({my_data} === false)
echo “Access error. Message =”. {my_data_erro};
} else {
while (!{my_data}->EOF)
$mail_to = {my_data}->fields[1];



The issue could be with the where clause:

where ‘{employer_staff}’ = id_employer_staff

Is the {employer_staff} the multi select field?

If so, echo the {employer_staff} var and check how the multiple values are separated.

Because with multiple IDs your where clause could become something like this (assuming multiple values get comma separated):

where ‘5,8,10’ = id_employer_staff

If I remember correctly with comma separated values and mysql/mariadb you could just use IN as an operator

where id_employer_staff IN ({employer_staff})

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Thanks again, i tried it but it send a blank.

This is awesome. Thank you so much. I tried and it’s working. Many thanks.

Now i see email addresses like;;

So there is a semicolumn at the end of the line. How can i remove it? Any idea?

Sorry i found it. I added this code;

$sending= substr_replace($sending,"", -1);

Now my latest code is here;

$sending= “”;

sc_select(my_data, “select id_employer_staff, email from employer_staff where id_employer_staff IN ({employer_staff })”);
if ({my_data} === false)
echo “Access error. Message =”. {my_data_erro};
} else {
while (!{my_data}->EOF)
$sending= $sending. {my_data}->fields[1] . “;”;

$sending= substr_replace($sending,"", -1);

$mail_smtp_server = ‘’;
$mail_smtp_user = ‘’;
$mail_smtp_pass = ‘my_gmail_password’;
$mail_from = ‘’;
$mail_to = ‘’;
$mail_subject = ‘Who will get this email’;
$mail_message = 'Mail gönderilecek kişiler = ’ . $sending;
$mail_format = ‘H’;
$mail_copies = ‘’;
$mail_tp_copies = ‘’;
$mail_port = ‘465’;
$mail_tp_connection = ‘S’;


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