I can't put the user and password of Mysql production connection

Hi, :confused:
Is my first production and I can’t write the user, password port etc… of mysql connection…
attach the image…


screen production.jpg

Have you tried the non-transactional connection? The app might hang for a (long) time if credentials are not correct etc. Hard to tell looking at your screenshot.

it not works, in the manual display this fields for put user, passord, port etc… , but , i test in 3 pcs and see all config java, i think my browsers can’t display this module??


try connecting to your mysql using the mysql workbench and make sure that this works first.
Possibly this isnt working yet…

I have a server “A” with mysql and server “B” with application, from server B connect fine to A using mysql administrator, In my PC (with scriptcase) testing and connecting with the application to server A too. In database server I use port 3806.
Is possible config the connection in any file without use this config screen?

Did you setup the MySQL connection to the right server or is it going to localhost?

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