Logout confirmation dialog box

I have a menu item that exits the main app and redirects to login. I would like for it to display a confirmation dialog “Are you sure you want to logout? Any unsaved data will be lost”. Would I be able to achieve this with blank php? The only three events available in menu don’t allow “Display an error message” or “Display a message”. Would this be achievable with a PHP method? Is there anything to disallow a method from being called on one of the three menu events? I haven’t tried working with PHP methods in SC yet so I have no idea.

Hi Ancr2001,
Yes you can display a confirmation dialog.

[SIZE=5]Example Logout confirmation dialog box[/SIZE]

  1. You need a blank application with this PHP Script using javascript:
echo "<script>
if (confirm('Your question')) { 
   // do other thing
  1. Replace ‘DESTINATION’ to your login app, example: ‘…/login_app/’;
  2. Your logout link must point to this blank application.
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I got it working but I need it to kill the session when you click OK. How do I do that since you can’t put a macro in the script. Right now the else redirects to the login app and cancel takes you back to the menu. If I choose OK and click back and refresh after the redirect the menu comes back and the session is still active.

You can redirect using parameters.

[SIZE=5]Example to kill / destroy session[/SIZE]

Replace your ‘DESTINATION’ with your login app like ‘…/login_app/login_app.php?logout=1’; as you can see i add a ‘?logout=1’, now in your login app you must destroy the session onload.


Note: When your user is redirected with logout=1 the session will be destroyed.

Thanks! Works great. I had to modify the code a little because I was getting an undefined index error but now it works like a charm!

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