Scriptcase 12 - what you think?

How much you care about the incoming features in SCRIPTCASE v12 on a scale 0-10 ?

COMMENT: abcdefg…

Rate: 5
Comment: There are many more important and necessary things, for daily use, that are priorities. Improve the code editor, enable the simultaneous opening of two applications, speed up the IDE, simplify and improve the theme editor, give the option to remove from installation all themes and templates that are not in use


I believe the most crucial upgrade needed is the master/detail functionality. The current implementation offers a poor user experience and should be dynamically generated on the fly.

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I agree with all these statements. The problem is that NETMAKE does not listen to the users, or at least they listen, then ignore. I think the company and product shrinked down a lot and they simlpy have no work power to implement more innovative stuff. All this is like a chain reaction. They deliver poor quality in the product because people who work for Netmake are careless. Not sure if it is national property or just this company but 99% of the users on the forum agree that they are careless (read: do not pay attention to details), therefore product suffers. Because the product hs rather poor quality , the sales degrade, and when sales degrade the work force shrinks down and when the workforce shrinks down there is no room (enough finances) to implement innovative features. When there are no new features (at least ones that most users want) then sales decrease and there is less money to expand and grow the product… and this is like a LOOP (in the code). It iterates until the process dies or breaks out.

No external investment, cooperation or joint-venture will help if the company has poor management and this is very likely the case here. Netmake has it’t own agenda nad they implement what costs the least to make a “new version” and collect some more cash, then survive another few months, and so on and so on,…
Unless there is some miracle and the company gets taken over by some young and educated enterprenour I do not see this trend changing anytime soon. In recent 10 years I might have found 1 big new feature implemented that helps me in my projects, and perhaps 5 small ones which improve the workflow a bit but none of them really impressed me.

My problem is not in a new features but the mindset of the developers and management. Things which can be improved and /or fixed in a matter of hours or even minutes are not fixed for years. This is simply and example of how not to run a software business.

Serious language barrier (I mean English) is another very big limitation. If I was a CEO I would concentrate on converting the product so it can use some external libraries more easily and allow 3rd party developers create add-ons for SC (ie. like PHP-Runner). Unfortunately seems like the management is pretty close minded :frowning:

Still using Scriptcase because I have some projects in production, but in last 3 years not even one upgrade wade me impressed :frowning:

I’ve been using SC since version 5.something, at a time when I had close access to people like Carlos (who later resigned), Marcia, and some of the developers. I tried to set up a user community and arrange regular meetings with their CEO. However, that proved impossible because Portuguese is his only language, which is just the way it is. Back then, they relied on a translator to convert English messages into Portuguese, respond in Portuguese, and then translate the answers back into English. This often led to odd responses to questions. Fortunately, things have improved significantly since then.

I liked the product and became a reseller, eventually reaching Gold Partner status. I was very active on this forum, helping everyone out—until, for some reason, it all stopped without notice. I have my own thoughts on why that happened, but that’s not a discussion for this forum. After that, I decided to limit my involvement with SC.

Back then, the situation was quite similar to today. The CEO prioritized flashy new features over bug fixes. Several times, I begged them to halt feature development and focus on fixing issues. The main challenge is that the codebase is very old, making modernization difficult. Their reliance on IFrames instead of divs, the lack of a mobile-first design (choosing to develop separate applications for each platform instead of using responsive design by default), and other outdated architectural decisions make it extremely hard to implement changes without potentially breaking all existing projects.

That said, if you’re in a relatively stable environment—like the university I work for—where the applications are primarily administrative, handling tasks like ledgers and basic processing, SC is satisfactory. We do experience occasional issues and have made modifications that have held up over time. But as a non-commercial institution, we don’t face the same pressure as businesses do. We have a 10-user license, and our projects are progressing well. Our applications don’t need to be mobile-friendly, and most managers use laptops these days, so that’s not an issue for us.

I also own a company that develops software for third parties and initially used SC to build applications for them. However, poor bug tracking became a major issue—I encountered a showstopper bug that prevented me from delivering to my client. The idea of having to buy support tickets just to report bugs is ridiculous, and it nearly put me out of business. That was the turning point when I decided to abandon SC for my company. The applications I develop are more complex than just administrative systems, and I ran into issues with every upgrade. We ultimately decided to build our own tool, and we’ve been happily using it ever since.

I don’t believe SC’s developers are unwilling or negligent. I’ve always had good interactions with SC’s staff. They occasionally appear on the forum, and I truly believe they want to provide the support we need. But they don’t own the company and, in my opinion, have little influence over management decisions.

I wouldn’t recommend SC to any entrepreneur. The software needs a full rewrite to adapt to modern technology. However, I recognize the dilemma: such a rewrite would likely break every application we’ve built.


In your opinion what could be an alternative to SC that could be used in complex applications?

There are many, but I’m biased. As I wrote, we developed our own product. It is not difficult to find if you google for my company. Switching tools, especially with a large codebase, is not that easy, as it mostly means rebuilding. That is a period of double license costs and development costs on top. For new projects, perhaps. But if you want contact, pm me or send an email.

Thank you so much. I am checking now your website and the product.

I can agree with @aducom in almost all details. I have also tested his tool and didn’t really get to grips with it. And, the tool may be quite good, but it comes from a small company and is not widely used. In the end, we opted for DevExpress and are currently mainly using React components for in-house applications.

As I wrote, there are many options, and I always advise people to try things out to find out what fits them. Our product is less used, yes. It is not that long on the market. Does the size of the company matter? We don’t have a huge sales department, as we are all devs. And IMHO, it is not the art of finding new customers but keeping them. We have existed since 1984. I would say that’s quite an achievement :wink:

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Surely, my question is VERY STUPID…
Is there a way to migrate from SC to your tool?
I downloaded it, but I didn’t have time to look at it…
Thank you so much…

Another question… is compatible with SQL Server?

Sorry, but this forum is not the place to answer questions about our product. See pm.

Sorry. You’re right…

Just answered your question as a PM.

I wouldn’t pull it down so hard. I’ve been using Scriptcase since 2014 and still do, it makes a lot of things easy. No tool out there is perfect. While some of the concerns you raised, like sluggish bug fixes, are valid, others seem speculative, such as declining sales or a shrinking company.

Also, I’ve never had an issue integrating external php libraries, so I wouldn’t call it entirely a closed ecosystem. If there’s another tool that does everything Scriptcase does and more…without bugs…I would love to hear about it. I’d be game for that!


I personally like scriptcase and would appreciate improvements such as a better code editor, debugging, and better mobile optimization.
But what I don’t like at all is the time it takes to fix errors.
It doesn’t help me if they release new versions with better graphics, menus, etc. if the platform continues to have errors.


I agree completely. I’d rather they fix all the bugs than come out with new features that are colored mirrors. Every time they add things, new bugs appear. It’s a never ending story.

SC stop “bugging” us !

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Although SC claims to have a huge customer base, the number of people on this forum is very sparse. I wonder how the experience of other customers is.

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I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve had to redo forms and grids after a Scriptcase update, customizing them by hiding extra buttons or other elements, or implementing additional functionalities using event-based code, simply because things that were supposed to work just didn’t. Then, sometimes, when the bugs were fixed, I had to undo my changes. Since debugging took up so much time, I often preferred to rebuild everything from scratch.

And now, as a joke… how great would it be if, overnight, a miracle command appeared called sc_bug_repair(); // used according to the existing bugs? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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