@daretzki totally agree with you, but also give them sometime, me just like you and other guys we spend time for workarounds, when possible, but main functionalites that can’t be changed those are what make me really upset and irritating
@anibal that works dear, i noticed it not being a real label, but it can’t be edited… looks like editable field but it is not changable anyway, that is tiny thing to mention… FYI i tried to play with the CSS of the fields to remove the field border but dind’t work… what i noticed, if the form is in edit mode, then yes, it works as real label…
@antonio.alcantara agree with you, the java used to select the fields in A-dynamic search B-dynamic group by C-“stupid” totalization all is not working… sometimes work in development env but never worked in production… and what is really killing me that totalization which is set clearly NOT TO USE but keep appearing no matter what, can’t be removed, can’t be changed, and doesn’t work, sucks!
@VDPVince they will need more information about your story, do you mean the tab application?
@dcputernut sorry to say this but they are not this fast, sometimes take months to answer, that is if they do!! that is why forums are not considered their official chanel, and if you send them an email, they may answer, but also take time… maybe because of the lack of the English language, i don’t know… real problem is they don’t do action to improve things… simply adding official bug tracker from their side will serve everybody! and at least the bugs can be contained and followed up correctly
What we need now guys is an index of all bugs of SC8, obviously they don’t read what we write, they offer professional support but it is paid (not free and doesn’t come with SC) - i did consider that though, but later changed my mind when i sent them an email during the free testing period and they answered after 2 months when i had the license already and using the SC normally for about a month, i strangely had a reply from them! i forgot what i sent them earlier loool. However, i think these bugs are included under “bugs”, not support! so if they don’t have bugs tracker, and they don’t want to adopt our offers to have one in our place (like Albert Aducom and Giu offered them thankfully) and they also don’t reply and care about our comments, then at least we do the last chance before giving up, lets have these stuff in this 10 pages filtered in a new thread as index with direct problems, perhaps they look at them instead of reading all the comments along, who can test and put them this way in neat!?