[SOLVED] Problema con actualización a 9.11

Buena noche.

El día de hoy actualicé mi scriptcase a la versión 9.11 y posterior a ello la altura de la barra de menú de mis proyectos se ha desajustado, mostrando los botones desacomodados. Adjunto imagen de como se ven ahora y cómo se ven en la versión anterior.

Alguna idea. Agradezco el apoyo.

Sorry, sir… I’m not a good spanish speaker, but I understand the problem you described, hope you can understand my answer in english.

From what I can see, the misaligned item is the only one at top level that does not have a sub-item, right? I was not able to reproduce the same result just by creating a few items with and without sub-items. Perhaps you have a public URL for your application, so I can investigate this further?

Thanks in advance and we appreciate your report.

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Hi Enrique,
First I want to apologize for my bad English and say thanks for your support.
I’ll try to explain better I can.
If you go to www.negopro.site/pea and login with admin / 123456 you Will see the misaligned menú.
This URL has a demo app whitout license of scriptcase because I don´t transfer my license yet. I want to resolve this isue before translate the license from php 7.3 to 8.1.

You whould see that in Configuracion item, with subitems and sub-subitems, those sub- items has a bigger height too. The others items has subitems but not sub-subitems and those show with another height.

Just a comment. The Encuestas ítems is the item that has the correct height, the ítems that has subitems are the misaligned items.


Thanks for the update! I was under the impression you were using the new menu we introduced recently. I just saw your app and identified the problem. I cannot guarantee the fix will be in the next patch as I’m not the one that picks the commits added to the patch, but I’ll find the problema and fix it first thing tomorrow and send it to our version control. Once they include the fix in a patch it will be available to download.

I’m sorry I can’t give you an estimate about the time. I am not aware about the procedures and timelines of the version releases. I’ll post here a print of the fixed app once I finish, though.

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Just went to check the code and found an easy fix. This was commited, so the test team can check if it affected anything else. This will likely be in the next patch.

Dear @Alejandro_Hernandez,

As Henrique already mentioned above, the problem was identified and corrected, and is scheduled to appear in the next release.

We don’t have a set date yet, however, it certainly won’t be long. As soon as the fix is ​​released, we will be providing feedback through this thread.

Best regards!

I have updated a menu to production and now I have this error

You might have the same issue described here:

Yes. And when will the update be? Do I have users waiting and they can’t do anything?

In the topic I linked, there is a workarround the original poster used to be able to run the app, please try it and check if it works for you. There is also a message from me asking for more data to investigate the problem. The original poster there didn’t send any data, may you please frovide me that additional info?

Also, please keep the discussion about this issue on that post, so people can find it more easily.

Thanks for the report.