SSL connection to AWS RDS MySQL 5.7.22

I am trying to setup a secure connection to my MySQL 5.7.22 instance on AWS RDS but can’t seem to make it work. I created two users (user1 and user2) with the same permissions. The only difference is that user1 was setup to require SSL, but not user2. When connecting with user2, all is well. I am able to select a database and the connection test results in success. When trying to connect with user1 there is no luck. I get a After entering the Connection info (server, username, and password) I mark the Use SSL checkbox (in the Security tab) and input the full path to the rds-combined-ca-bundle.pem provided by Amazon into the CA Certificate field. Clicking on the List Database or Connection Test buttons result in: “Connection attempt failed: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user…”. Anyone been able to set this up successfully?

Anyone had any luck with this?

I found a bug in my installation in file _lib/prod/lib/php/nm_ini_perfil.php on line 1107:
$obj_db->clientFlags = MYSQLI_CLIENT_SSL;
and when I changed it to
$db->clientFlags = MYSQLI_CLIENT_SSL;
my SSL DB connection started to work

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