The case for a WYSIWYG Editor for Applications

Dear NetMake,

As Scriptcase becomes more powerful with each successive version upgrade I believe that the switch to a graphical designer for applications is becoming an increasingly necessary next major step forward in the evolution of the product. If one looks at all the myriad of options currently available when designing an application this becomes clearer. There is an old saying, ?A picture is worth a thousand words?. Very true.

Obviously, looking at creating a GUI Forms designer will initially be a daunting task. There are ways to ease the transition which will make future enhancements to the product much easier. There are many Open Source projects that are developed in this way. Eclips is one that comes to mind. [LIST=1]

  • Streamline the existing interface by re-organizing like features used between Applications types. One example would be Field layout properties.
  • Move to a completely modular approach with each feature so that it is ?plug and play? within the existing environment. An added benefit here would be that if an improvement was made to the code for Field layout properties it would be instantly available to all modules that utilize it. [/LIST] Utilizing Plug and Play will make supporting the product and making enhancement MUCH easier because there would only be one module to make the changes in with this approach.

    Once these two tasks are completed a GUI can be developed that will enable these features with Drag and Drop type functionality.

    I personally believe that the user base would welcome a WYSIWIG Forms designer and hope that you consider this a next step for Scriptcase. The software is amazing in what can be done currently. Just imagine the true power if a graphical designer was available for creating applications. The opportunities for future grown are enormous.

    Thank you for creating Scriptcase. I look forward to seeing new features and improvements in future releases.