Internationalizing Helpcase?

Hello everybody,
I’m generating a full help system for one of my scriptcase projects.

But I found no way to translate the help buttons captions in the generated help (they always shown as “Content” or “Search” -English-). Is there no way to translate them to Spanish?

And also I found no way to generate English/Spanish content and show the user one or the other depending on the app selected language…

Any ideas? Am I missing something? Any directions will be appreciated!

I have the same request for multilingual help. Scriptcase has gone to great length to make the user interface user language selectable. I would welcome the same in the helpcase!

Please follow this link:

I have tried with result: Form succesfull but no luck for Grid.

Ihsan Kusasi

Sorry for the delay with which I answer you and sorry for my bad english (helped by google translate!)

I solved it like this:

  1. I no longer use scriptcase webhelp because internationalization was not foreseen and was too complicated!
  2. I solved it by doing a special function and doing the webhelp separate from the application (I use the Kompozer editor !!!)
  3. in the form, control, grid application I insert a button :
    Name = Help
    Type = PHP
    Target = Other windows
    Button Code = dm_myHelp(); // with or without parameters

Example :
control name = ec_1_open_control
form name = ec_form_ec_pers_m
grid name = ec_grid_ec_table_stat

Attached some sample .html files.

This is the function in Internal libraries -> Public :

function dm_myHelp($module="", $page="", $lang="") {
	parameters : 
	$module = module name
			if set   : direct folder (e.g. queue module1, module2, etc.)
			if empty : the reference folder is _ <app_name> (e.g. _eurostore), global variable [app_name]
	$page = any page to call up directly, without extension
			empty : take the app that called this function via the variable $this->Ini->nm_cod_apl
			set   : the value intended as a name without extension is taken
	$lang = language (2 char). If empty it takes the active one (sc_get_language())
			gen : pages for generic language, usually in multiple languages on the same page (e.g. root_control_login)
	Example : 
	dm_myHelp("ELIMINACODE", "", "gr"); forced specific language
	dm_myHelp("Eliminacode", "", "it");
	la struttura deve essere : 	
	_dm_tools (a personal folder of mine in the application root (same level as _lib) )
		index.html (to select the language)
		it (language)
		  _eurostore (application name)
	if ( empty($module) ) {
		$module = "_".[app_name];

	$module = strtolower($module)."/";
	$page = strtolower($page);
	if ( empty($page) ) {
		$page = strtolower($this->Ini->nm_cod_apl);   // nome app attiva che richiama questo help.
	if ( empty($lang) ) {
		$lang = strtolower(substr(sc_get_language(), 0, 2))."/";   // lingua attiva
	if ( $lang == "gen" ) {
		$lang = "gen/";
		$module = "";
	//$xref = "../_dm_tools/webhelp/webhelp_".$module."_".$lang."/".$page.".html";
	$xref = "../_dm_tools/webhelp/".$lang.$module.$page.".html";
	sc_redir($xref, , "_self");
	return ;

Ciao (150.7 KB)