I don’t understand why this sql request generate a malfonction when I activate the refined search function inside my grid.
Sql Request :
SELECT t.Id as ID,
t.name as Titre,
t.status as Statut,
t.priority as Priorit?,
t.slas_id as SLAs,
GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT concat(us.realname,’ ‘,us.firstname) SEPARATOR ‘,’) AS “B?n?ficiaire FIDAL”,
GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT concat(uv.realname,’ ‘,uv.firstname) SEPARATOR ‘,’) AS Technicien,
t.itilcategories_id as cat?gorie,
t.requesttypes_id as Source,
t.due_date as "Date d’?ch?ance + Progression",
t.takeintoaccount_delay_stat as “D?lai de prise en compte”,
gg.name as “Groupe de techniciens”,
t.users_id_recipient as R?dacteur,
GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT concat(uz.realname,’ ',uz.firstname) SEPARATOR ‘,’) AS “Demandeur FIDAL”,
coalesce(s.satisfaction, ‘0’) as Satisfaction,
s.comment as Commentaires,
t.locations_id as Lieu,
count(w.tickets_id_1) as “Nombre de ticket dupliqu?s”,
t.solve_delay_stat “D?lai de r?solution”,
t.close_delay_stat “D?lai de cl?ture”,
t.waiting_duration “D?lai en attente”,
t.type as Type,
t.solvedate as “Date de r?solution”,
t.Date as “Date d’ouverture”,
y.date as “Date Escalade Groupe SVP”
FROM glpi_tickets t
LEFT JOIN glpi_groups_tickets g
ON t.ID = g.tickets_id
LEFT JOIN glpi_tickets_users u
ON t.ID = u.tickets_id and u.type = 1
LEFT JOIN glpi_tickets_users v
ON t.ID = v.tickets_id and v.type = 2
LEFT JOIN glpi_tickets_users z
ON t.ID = z.tickets_id and z.type = 3
LEFT JOIN glpi_users us
ON u.users_id = us.id
LEFT JOIN glpi_users uv
ON v.users_id = uv.id
LEFT JOIN glpi_users uz
ON z.users_id = uz.id
LEFT JOIN glpi_groups gg
ON g.groups_id = gg.id
LEFT JOIN glpi_ticketsatisfactions s
On t.Id = s.tickets_id
LEFT JOIN glpi_tickets_tickets w
On t.Id = w.tickets_id_1
LEFT JOIN glpi_tickettasks y
On t.Id = y.tickets_id and y.is_private = 1 and y.state = 0 and y.content REGEXP “Escalade” AND y.content REGEXP “SVP|Administration” and users_id_tech = 0
WHERE t.is_deleted = ‘0’
Group by t.Id
Best Regards